On a haunted house

The second session of the haunted house adventure went down far better than I could have ever hoped. In fact, the players asked to stay late so that they could finish it, they were having so much fun.

They survived the haunted house and uncovered the reason behind all the strange occurrences. they couldn’t prevent a thug from making off with the knife that had been the focus of all the strange events, but that’s fine. It adds possibilities for the future.

Everyone was enthusiastic, interested and most importantly, involved in the story. I’m still on a bit of a buzz from the game and I’m very psyched for the campaign.

Next up, depending on the players, either investigating the happenings at the cathedral, visiting a museum exhibit, or attending the cultural festival.


  1. michael_aussie

    It this still active?
    I went to the web site, but many of the links are down (401).

  2. Gail

    No, it’s not. I have a new site that I need to get up and running, but I just don’t have time right now.


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