
Talk about a way to start off a month.

I just got a mail from Microsoft. I have been awarded MVP for SQL Server. I am quite ecstatic and very surprised. I knew I had been nominated, but I did not expect to actually be awarded it.

Just wow.


  1. inus

    Let me be the first to say – Congratulations!! – you are deserving of the recognition. For this honour you did put in the time. Nice to know you did not do it to be a MVP but because you are PASSIONATE about SQL.

    I can still remember your face when we gave you the SQL 2008 rc0 and windows 2008 64bit server to play with. You are what I think a MVP should be. Will keep looking into you site.


  2. Saggi Neumann


  3. Gail

    Thanks. I still can’t believe it.

  4. GregSQL

    Consider attending Summit in Seattle, WA. I went this year and had a blast. MS pays for your hotel accomodations. You will be very in awe.

  5. Gail

    I’d love to. Problem is the price of flights from this corner of the world. Going to PASS is going to leave me broke for a few months.

    I’ll see how things are closer to the time.

  6. steve gs

    OK. SO I was busy wearing a different hat last week, and didn’t find this until JUST now! Congratulations! Well deserved. I, for one, have benefited greatly from your writings and responses.

  7. Zlatan

    Congratulations Gail!!
    I see I’ll see you at TechEd too.

  8. Gail

    I’m looking forward to it.


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