All's well that ends well

So, today was my last day working for the bank and my last day as a full time employee. From the beginning of next month, I’m a consultant. It’s exciting and scary at the same time.

I’m not going to wax long and lyrical about the years working there, that’s boring. Suffice it to say there were good times and bad, late nights and weekends working, and leave it at that.

The one thing that I will say is that without the support and encouragement of several people there, I would not be where I am today. So, a very, very big thank you to my former colleagues and managers. I won’t mention names, you know who you are.

And I have to show off a couple of photos of my old desk 😉


  1. Saggi Neumann

    Good luck! It is scary and exciting, and from my experience very rewarding (mentally if not always financially)

    Cheers! 🙂

  2. inus

    the place is not the same 🙁

  3. Dugi

    Hmm very profi job place so how looks the new one as consultant !?

  4. Gail

    Messy. I mostly work from home now.


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