SA SQL Usergroup – October

The meeting last night went very well, at least I think it did. 🙂 It was better attended than I thought it would be.Thanks to everyone that gave up their Tuesday night.

I’ve uploaded the presentation (Powerpoint 2007 format) for anyone interested – Effective Indexing presentation (1.3 MB)


  1. Nick

    Thanks Gail,

    Time permitting, i will definitely attend again.

  2. KevinT

    I think the presentation went well – thanks for the time and effort you put in, and best of luck in your efforts to build the local SQL UG community back up again.

  3. Gail

    I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Wandrag

    Hi Gail,
    When is the next session? And what will it be about?

  5. Gail

    Hasn’t been decided yet. I’ll blog on it as soon as we’ve decided.


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