SQL Server Usergroup – March meeting

The next SQL Server user group will be on the 17 Mar 2009 6:30PM at the Microsoft Offices in Bryanston (3012 William Nicol Drive)  Auditorium 1

We will have 2 session, one on Powershell and one on Auditing in SQL Server.

Paul Filmalter will be doing the Powershell session and Paul Els the Auditing on SQL Server.

So come  and join us and have some fun.

Hope to see you all soon and please help us build the community by encouraging at least one  friend or colleague to join us.



  1. DurbanDBA

    Anything planned for Durban?

  2. Gail

    Sorry, no. I live in JHB and only visit Durban from time to time (business). Currently the usergroup is JHB only.

  3. VBindra

    I will definitely join the meeting. This will be my first one.

  4. Dawie

    I would also like to join and I’m bringing a friend!!!

  5. Gail

    Excellent. See you there.

  6. Brendan

    Hi Gail

    Is there perhaps a mailing list that a person could get onto so that its easier to be alerted to upcoming conferences and so forth.

  7. Gail

    There isn’t a formal mailing list as yet, just a list of names and addresses that I have in Excel. I can add your name to that if you like.

  8. Brendan

    Great, please go ahead and add my name to the list, then I will pass on any events around the office and bring interested parties

  9. Gail

    Will do. I typically mail out around 2 weeks beforehand, depending on whether we have a speaker and venue organised or not.

  10. Stephen

    Do you have to pre register to attend this meeting or is it open to all interested parties.

  11. Gail

    No registration required though I do appreciate an RSVP so that I have some idea how many are coming (for catering purposes). That can be as simple as a comment here.

    I usually blog an announcement about 2 weeks in advance. I can also add you to the list of people I mail notifications to, if you like.

  12. Stephen

    Thanks Gail, please do add me to the notification list.


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