SA SQL Server Usergroup – August Meeting

The August meeting of the SA SQL Server usergroup will be on the 25th of August. Please note this is a week later than we would normally meet. The change in scheduling is due to some logistical problems (the conference rooms were booked). Venue and time are the same as always, 18h30 at the Microsoft offices

This month, James Pheiffer, who recently joined the Premier Field Engineers at Microsoft, will be presenting a session on Performance Monitoring using Perfmon and PSSDiag

Hope to see you all there. Please let me know if you’re coming, I need numbers for catering purposes


  1. SQLRockstar

    is your usergroup looking for a guest speaker? i could use a vacation…

  2. Gail

    We’re always looking for speakers.

    If you are going to be visiting my part of the world, please let me know. International speakers are a rarity here and we’d love to have you.

  3. Thinus

    +2 tx Gail

  4. Kevin

    Will be there

  5. mike

    Thanks Gail

  6. Shaun

    Please can you upload the supporting files for this presentation. Thanks

  7. Gail

    When I get them from James, I’ll upload them


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