Review and goals for the rest of the year

I should have posted this back in July. I put off writing it then, partially cause I was embarrassed about how little I got done.

Of the goals I set back in January, about the only ones I achieved were getting the articles written (published at Simple Talk), reading the books and listening to podcasts. I’m doing so badly with my university studies that I’m wondering if it’s worth even considering registering next year.

Well, 3 months of the year left, let’s see if I can redeem anything of it. By the end of the year I will

  • Finish the WPF book that I’m reading and finish the WFP app that I’ve been dabbling with for months
  • Read an AI book, cover-to-cover
  • Write 2 articles for SQL Server Central (not hard, one’s half-written, one’s planned out)
  • Do the last section of the proof-of-concept for my Master’s experiments and have at least the outline of the design of the actual experiments documented.
  • Write one certification exam, probably the MCITP SQL Developer

1 Comment

  1. SuperDBA

    Wow! I’m in the same boat, looking back…. Need to get busy, I want to write one more sql exam before the end of the year.

    Good luck!!!


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