South African SQL Server Usergroup – October meeting

It’s our 1st birthday this month! There will be cake and prizes. I have three autographed SQL books and a backpack laptop bag to give away this month.

The meeting will be in the usual location – the Johannesburg Microsoft offices, 3012 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston. 18h30 on Tuesday the 20th October. I’ll be presenting te a session entitled “Lies, damned lies and Statistics”. This session will also be presented in 4 weeks  time at the PASS Summit in Seattle. Consider this a sneak preview.

Please let me know ASAP if you are coming. We need accurate attendance numbers or there won’t be enough cake. 🙂


  1. TVR

    +3 thanks Gail

  2. Felicity

    Hi Gail,
    I hope u don’t mind some new attendees – Me and a colleague would like to join!

    1. Gail

      I love having new people. The more the merrier. Look forward to meeting you.


    Devan Naidoo would attend & like to be part of the SQLSA Usergroup..c/o SADPMR

    1. Gail

      Excellent. Look forward to seeing you there.

  4. Ruari

    I plan to be there 🙂
    Ok work peeps you hear, no sudden work commitments now, I plan to be at this meeting!!!

  5. joe

    Hi Gail,

    Me and mareo will be attending.


  6. Felicity

    Hi there, it seems that neither me or my colleague can make it this month – but we do want to join – if you’re having one next month!

  7. Gail

    There’ll be a meeting next month. Watch my blog for details around the first or 2nd week of November.

  8. Paul Els

    C U tonight.

  9. Michael de Almeida

    Hi Gail,

    thanks so much for pioneering this user-group. Its a great opportunity to network, and learning path!

  10. David Coats

    Hi Gail – I linked to your blog from SSC and to my surprise found that you are working in South Africa. Its been a long time dream of mine to move to Africa but thought I would have to give up my DBA job to do so. WOuld love to get your perpective on the job market over there. If you would be willing…please send any thoughts/experiences you have had as a DBA in South Africa…I would love to know. (). Thanks so much and I’ve really gotten a lot from your articles on Indexing too!!! Take care – David C

    1. Gail

      Hi David

      Well, I’m not a DBA, never have been, so thought come from a slightly different area. From what I’ve seen, there’s good opportunity for skilled and experienced people. There are a lot of DBAs looking for work, but most that I’ve encountered are average at best.

  11. David Coats

    Ok…thanks a lot Gail! Just encouraging to know there are opportunities there.

  12. David Coats

    Not sure I believe you on the “I’m not a DBA” line….Jack of all Trades, Master of SQL I guess?

    1. Gail

      I’m not a DBA. Never have been. I’m a former database developer, currently a database consultant. I can do the admin side, but not full time. It would drive me insane.

  13. Dlozi

    Hi all,

    My name is Dlozi Nzuke.I’m SQL DBA but I’m getting introduced to SQL BI and I’m loving it so far .I would like to join the Group.

    Dlozi Nzuke

  14. Gail (Post author)

    Usergroup’s website is, no formalities necessary, just come to a meeting.


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