Sightseeing in the UK

While the main reason for my recent trip to the UK was to attend the SQLSkills immersion course, I did have a little time before and after the course to do some sightseeing. (Warning, this post is image-heavy)


Jen Stirrup (blog|twitter) took me around some of the major sights of London.

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Inside and outside shots of St Paul’s cathedral.


A view down the Thames towards Tower Bridge.


And a view down the Thames in the other direction


One of the boundary markers for the City of London. I intend, on a future visit, to catalogue all of the various different dragons that mark the boundaries.

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The gate and façade of Buckingham Palace

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The Victory column and its surrounding statues, some silhouetted against the threatening sky.

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Westminster Abbey

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Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster (aka the Houses of Parliament)


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A wilderness area outside of the City? No, the Cambridge Botanical Gardens, less than 10 min walk from the city centre.


This is simply called the Round Church. Can’t imagine why…

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Some of the University Collages and Chapels that are scattered through the city.

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Interior of King’s College Chapel

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Some views of the river Cam

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The Mathematical bridge (originally built by Sir Isaac Newton), the Bridge of Sighs, one of the College bridges and lastly the steel bridge that currently stands at the location of the original bridge over the Cam that gave the city its name.


  1. Grant Fritchey

    Looks like you got the same tour of Cambridge that I did. Except it was raining & cold during my trip.

  2. Gail (Post author)

    It was rainy and cold on the Tuesday, but that was the day I spent touring the Colleges, so that was OK (still got soaked). Rest of the time the weather was wonderful.

  3. k24/7

    Wow! Nice pics !


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