
Stepping down

Sunday saw the last game (for now) of the d20 Modern campaign I’m running. I’m going to miss DMing, but it was for the best. I’m struggling with a bit of burnout and a lack of free time.

The campaign went quite well. The players seemed to enjoy it and that’s the only real measure of any importance. We didn’t get quite as far as I had hoped, but a lot of hints and clues were dropped during the various adventures and I think that all the players have a better idea of the ‘big picture’. They’ve also managed to disrupt the big bad guy’s plans often enough to be irritating.

For the next few months at least, we’ll be playing high-fantasy D&D as we return to the world of Per-rune. Currently our characters are about to disembark ship after a rather exciting trip to the Elven kingdom. All we need is to do some shopping for winter gear and then head inland back to the small town of Kurat, where the whole thing started. Easy, right?

On a haunted house

The second session of the haunted house adventure went down far better than I could have ever hoped. In fact, the players asked to stay late so that they could finish it, they were having so much fun.

They survived the haunted house and uncovered the reason behind all the strange occurrences. they couldn’t prevent a thug from making off with the knife that had been the focus of all the strange events, but that’s fine. It adds possibilities for the future.

Everyone was enthusiastic, interested and most importantly, involved in the story. I’m still on a bit of a buzz from the game and I’m very psyched for the campaign.

Next up, depending on the players, either investigating the happenings at the cathedral, visiting a museum exhibit, or attending the cultural festival.

Back in the GM chair

This last sunday saw me taking back the GM chair for the group that I play with. For the past year we’ve been playing my friend Phillip’s Per-rune game. (details and an in-character journal on my web site)

My campaign is a modern day supernatural game, a bit like Buffy, but darker. It’s set in the historical city of Oxford, in England, in the year 2002. More details are available on the campaign web site. The pages aren’t finished, there’s a lot of links that go no where.

All in all, the game went off without a hitch. Lots of admin-type stuff to start, reminders of clues, shopping, etc, etc but less than I expected.

Now let’s see if the characters can unravel the mysteries of a haunted house, and if they can survive to tell the tale.

I’ll probably comment here occationally on on significant bits of the campaign as they happen.