SQL Server

All indexes are unique

Well, that’s a rather contentious title. There are probably several people shaking their heads at this point. Let me explain.

I was listening to a podcast with Kimberly Tripp this morning, and she mentioned this briefly. I thought it would be a good discussion to end a short series on indexes and selectivity.

The Clustered Index

A clustered index has to be unique, because the clustering key acts as the row’s location in the table. If the index is not defined as unique, SQL will make it unique by adding a uniquifier, a 4-byte integer that’s hidden behind the scenes and is added when necessary to make the clustered index unique.

It’s not documented anywhere clearly, but it is mentioned in a couple of places. From msdn:

If the clustered index is not a unique index, SQL Server makes any duplicate keys unique by adding an internally generated value called a uniqueifier. This four-byte value is not visible to users. It is only added when required to make the clustered key unique for use in nonclustered indexes. SQL Server retrieves the data row by searching the clustered index using the clustered index key stored in the leaf row of the nonclustered index.

So all clustered indexes are unique.


Index columns, selectivity and inequality predicates

So, following on from my post last week, I’m going to take a look at how selectivity and index column order affect inequality predicates.

One thing to note straight off is that the selectivity of a column is much less important for inequality predicates than it was for equality. For equality predicates, the selectivity alone can give a reasonable idea of the number of rows a particular predicate will return. That’s not the case with inequalities. Also, with inequality predicates, the order of columns in the index becomes very important.

One of the most important considerations with inequality predicates is the number of rows that the predicate will return. An identity column may be highly selective, but if the filter is for all rows > 0 and the identity values start t one, then an index on that column is not going to be very useful.

The other consideration when there are inequality predicates is that only that column and columns to the left of it in the index key can be used for index seeks. Any columns to the right of the column with the inequality is no longer eligible for seeking.

To explain with an example, consider our hypothetical table from the previous post (with one small change):

CREATE TABLE ConsideringIndexOrder (
SomeString VARCHAR (100),

The same as previously, there’s a single nonclustered index on all three columns, in the order ID, SomeDate, SomeString.

If there’s an inequality predicate, then then the index is only fully seekable for the following queries
…  WHERE ID = @ID AND SomeDate = @dt AND SomeString > @str
…  WHERE ID = @ID AND SomeDate > @dt


A Bookmark lookup, by any other name…

I think I may have confused some people by talking about bookmark lookups. I’ll attempt to clarify things.

The operator that I’m talking about is the one that fetches extra columns from the clustered index when the nonclustered index that’s used to retrieve the rows doesn’t have all of the columns required.

In SQL 2000, that operator appeared in the execution plan as a bookmark lookup and it appeared as follows:

In SQL 2005, the name was changed, and the bookmark lookup no longer appeared in the execution plan. In it’s place appeared a clustered index seek, joined back to the original index seek by a nested loop join. It appeared as follows (the highlighted operator is the ‘bookmark lookup’)

This change made it harder to see what was going on as clustered index seeks are usually considered ‘good’. The trick to see if it is actually a ‘bookmark lookup’ is to look at the objects involved. When the nonclustered index seek and the clustered index seek are both on the same table, then it’s a ‘bookmark lookup’

I don’t recall what this appeared as when the base table was a heap, not a cluster.

In SQL 2005 SP2, the name of the operator was changed again, now appearing as a key lookup (when the base table has a clustered index) or a RID lookup (when the base table is a heap). It now looks like this:

The thing to note is that it’s not the version of the server that’s important. The format of the XML for the exec plan has not changed since SQL 2005 RTM (I can and have created a .sqlplan file from SQL 2008 and opened that file in SQL 2005’s management studio).

It’s the version of management studio that affects how the execution plans are displayed. If the server is SQL 2005 SP3, but the client tools are still RTM, the bookmark lookup will appear as a clustered index seek. Another reason to patch the client as well as the server

I hope that clears up some of the confusion around the naming. So, in future, what should I refer to this as? A bookmark lookup? A Key lookup?

Index columns, selectivity and equality predicates

Or “Which column goes first?

There’s a common piece of advice given about columns in an index key that says that the most selective column should go first. I’m not going to say that’s incorrect, because it’s not. The problem is that it’s often given without any explanation as to why the most selective column should go first, nor are the other considerations for index key order mentioned.

This can lead to misunderstandings like, in the extreme case, where one person after hearing that advice went and added the primary key column as the leading column of every single nonclustered index (because it’s highly selective), and then wondered why his database performance decreased dramatically.

The comment about selectivity is because of the way SQL keeps statistics on indexes (see my post on statistics for more info on what they are). SQL only keeps the histogram for the first column of the index. That means that it only knows the actual distribution of values of the first column. If the first column is not selective, the index may not be used. However, that’s not the whole story.

SQL also, in addition to the histogram, keeps density values for all of the left-based subsets of the index keys. So, for a 3 column index key, SQL knows the density of the first column, of the first and second and of all three. The density is, in a nutshell, a value that shows how unique the set of columns is. It’s 1/(distinct values). The value can be seen for any index using DBCC Show_Statistics with the DENSITY_VECTOR option.

This means, while SQL only knows the actual data distribution of the first column, it does know, on average, how many rows will be returned by an equality match on any left-based subset of the index keys

So, what’s my rule for the order of columns in an index key? Put the most selective columns first, when all other considerations are equal.


Seek or scan?

One very common question that I see on the forums is on index seeks and index scans. A query is resulting in a table/clustered index scan, even though there’s an index on one or more of the columns been searched on.

One of the more common reasons that this happens is because the index in question is not covering, and SQL has determined that the cost of doing the lookups to fetch the extra columns is higher than the cost of scanning the entire table.

If an index does not cover a query, then bookmark lookups are required to get the additional columns, bookmark lookups are run one row at a time, and are seeks on the clustered index. Hence it’s clear that bookmark lookups on a large number of rows are exceedingly expensive and that is why SQL will switch to a clustered index/table scan when lookups are required on a significant percentage of the rows in the table.

So, what constitutes a significant percentage of the rows in the table? 50%? 20%? 10%?


On the OUTPUT of a data modification

or “Who needs a trigger anyway?

The output clause was, I think, one of those wonderful features of SQL 2005 that very few people used, myself included. Now in 2008, it’s even better, but still doesn’t appear to be widely used.

The output clause can be used to get, as a resultset, data from the inserted and deleted tables that are usually only visible in a trigger. As a very simple example:

Create Table #Testing (
id int identity,
somedate datetime default getdate()
insert into #Testing
output inserted.*
default values

Neat. We can get back the inserted values as a result set. We can also insert them into a table variable for later processing. Using the same temp table

declare @OutputTable TABLE (id int, somedate datetime)
insert into #Testing
output inserted.* into @OutputTable
default values
select * from @OutputTable

Very neat. Now how about a practical example? Say we have the following three tables in a database.

Create Table ParentTable (
ID int identity primary key,
ParentDescription varchar(50),
ID Int identity Primary Key,
ParentID int not null constraint fk_parent foreign key references ParentTable(ID),
Somedescription varchar(20),
SomeValue Money
Create Table AuditTable (
AuditID int identity primary key,
ChildID int,
SomeValue Money,

We get a set of data (perhaps in a temp table, perhaps in an xml document) that needs to be inserted into those tables. The source data will have multiple parent rows, each with multiple child rows. Those need to be inserted into the appropriate tables and the foreign keys have to be assigned correctly. In addition, the ID of the child rows, along with the value and the current date must be written into an audit table, along with the login name of the current user.


When did CheckDB last run?

If corruption is found in a database it’s very important to know when the corruption started. In the cases where a restore is needed to fix the corruption, knowing which backup is clean can save a great deal of time in restoring databases and checking them.

On SQL 2000, the only way to know was to to go back through the history of the checkDB jobs (everyone is running checkDB regularly, right?) and see when the last successful run was.

On SQL 2005 and higher, when checkDB runs successfully, ie without finding any errors, it writes the date of the last run into the database’s boot page.  Whenever SQL Server then starts that database up, be it during a server start, a database restore or bringing the database online, SQL prints a message into the error log.


SQL Server 2005 SP3

Is available for download – http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ae7387c3-348c-4faa-8ae5-949fdfbe59c4&displaylang=en

Change list is also up – http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=955706

SP3 contains all the fixes from CU 1 to CU 9 as well as a few new ones. It’s possible to apply SP3 over CU 10 or 11, but then SP3 CU1 also needs to be applied to get up to date.

Update: CU1 for SP3 is now available. It contains only the hotfixes that were part of CU 10 and 11 for SP2. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/959195/en-us

When is a critical IO error not a critical IO error?

When it succeeds on the second try.

Anyone who’s done any research at all on database corruption and IO problems has probably seen an example of the 823 and 824 errors.

Error 823 is a physical IO error. It means that, for some reason, the OS was incapable of completing the requested IO. It may mean that the disk has failed, the disk is missing, a filter driver is misbehaving, or a number of other things. On SQL 2005 it looks something like this:

Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2.
The operating system returned error 21(The device is not ready.) to SQL Server during a read at offset 0x0000d2364e2000 in file ‘D:\Data\SomeDB.mdf’. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log and system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.

Error 823 is classified as a severity 24, the second highest severity error that SQL has. As the error message says, it’s a very serious condition.

Error 824 is a logical IO error. It means that the page requested was read from disk successfully, but there was something wrong with the page. The page header may have invalid values in it, the checksum may be incorrect, the torn page bits may be incorrect, etc. On SQL 2005, it looks something like this:


A new SQL myth

There seems to be a new myth going around recently. I’ve had at least three people tell me, in the last month, that SQL’s transactional replication requires the database to be in full recovery.

This is complete fabrication. Replication (SQL native replication, that is) can work with the databases in any of the recovery models.

Transactional replication does involve the transaction log, as that’s where it picks up changes from. The log reader scans over the transaction log looking for log records marked for replication, copies those to the distribution database and then marks them as replicated. When the checkpoint (for simple recovery) or log backup (for full or bulk logged) occur, the log will only be truncated up to the oldest inactive, replicated transaction.

Because transactional replication has its own way of ensuring log records aren’t discarded before been picked up by the log reader, there’s no requirement for a specific recovery model.