In-line scalar functions in SQL Server 2019

Yes, yes, yes, finally!

It’s hardly a secret that I’m not a fan of scalar user-defined functions. I refer to them as ‘developer pit-traps’ due to the amount of times I’ve seen developers absolutely wreck their database performance by over-using them (or using them at all).

The main problem with them is that they haven’t been in-line, meaning the function gets evaluated on every single row, and the overhead from doing so is usually terrible.

One of the improvements in SQL Server 2019 is that scalar user-defined functions now are in-line. Not all of them, there are conditions that have to be met. Most scalar UDFs that I’ve seem in client systems will meet them, the not referencing table variables will probably be the main limiting factor.

The full requirements are laid out in the documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/user-defined-functions/scalar-udf-inlining

I’m going to use the same function that I used when I evaluated natively-compiled functions (https://www.sqlinthewild.co.za/index.php/2016/01/12/natively-compiled-user-defined-functions/), and run it against a table with 860k rows in it, both in compat mode 140 (SQL Server 2017) and compat mode 150 (SQL Server 2019)

  RETURN DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF (dd, 0, @Input), 0);

As in the earlier post, I’ll use extended events to catch the performance characteristics.

First, something to compare against. The query, without functions, is:

SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF (dd, 0, TransactionDate), 0) FROM Transactions

This takes, on average,  343ms to run, and 320ms of CPU time.

The results of the first test are impressive.

Compat ModeDuration (ms)CPU (ms)
14010 6668594

I keep having people ask about SCHEMABINDING, so same test again, with the function recreated WITH SCHEMABINDING

Compat ModeDuration (ms)CPU (ms)

Better, but still over an order of magnitude slower than the query without the function in SQL 2017 and earlier.

Last test, what about something with data access? I’ll switch to my Shipments and ShipmentDetails tables for this. The base query without the function is:

SELECT s.ShipmentID, 
    (SELECT SUM(Mass) AS TotalMass FROM ShipmentDetails sd WHERE sd.ShipmentID = s.ShipmentID) TotalShipmentMass
FROM Shipments s;

I’m writing it with a subquery instead of a join to keep it as similar as possible to the version with the function. It should be the same as if I had used a join though. That query takes, on average, 200ms, with 145ms CPU time.

There are 26240 rows in the Shipments table, and on average 34 detail rows per shipment. The function is:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ShipmentMass(@ShipmentID INT)
    DECLARE @ShipmentMass NUMERIC(10,2);
    SELECT @ShipmentMass = SUM(Mass) FROM ShipmentDetails sd WHERE sd.ShipmentID = @ShipmentID;

    RETURN @ShipmentMass;


And the results are:

Compat ModeDuration (ms)CPU (ms)
140961 211 (16 minutes)959 547

The test under compat mode 140 had to be run overnight. 9 hours to run the query 25 times… And people wonder why I complain about scalar user-defined functions in systems.

Under compat mode 150 with the inline function it’s way better (3 seconds vs 16 minutes for a single execution), but it’s still over an order of magnitude slower than the same query with the subquery. I’ll test this again after RTM, but for the moment it look like my guidance for functions for SQL 2019 going forward is going to be that scalar functions that don’t access data are fine, but scalar functions that do should still be replaced by inline table-valued functions or no function at all, wherever possible.

No, this is not a bug in T-SQL

(or, Column scope and binding order in subqueries)

I keep seeing this in all sorts of places. People getting an unexpected result when working with a subquery, typically an IN subquery, and assuming that they’ve found a bug in SQL Server.

It’s a bug alright, in that developer’s code though.

Let’s see if anyone can spot the mistake.

We’ll start with a table of orders.

  ClientID INT,
  OrderNumber VARCHAR(20)

There would be more to it in a real system, but this will do for a demo. We’re doing some archiving of old orders, of inactive clients. The IDs of those inactive clients have been put into a temp table

CREATE TABLE #TempClients (
ClientD INT

And, to check before running the actual delete, we run the following:

SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE ClientID IN (SELECT ClientID FROM #TempClients)

And it returns the entire Orders table. The IN appears to have been completely ignored. At least the query was checked before doing the delete, that’s saved an unpleasant conversation with the DBA if nothing else.

Anyone spotted the mistake yet?

It’s a fairly simple one, not easy to see in passing, but if I test the subquery alone it should become obvious.

The column name in the temp table is missing an I, probably just a typo, but it has some rather pronounced effects.

The obvious next question is why the select with the subquery in it didn’t fail, after all, the query asks for ClientID from #TempClients, and there’s no such column. However there is a ClientID column available in that query, and it’s in the Orders table. And that’s a valid column for the subquery, because column binding order, when we have subqueries, is first to tables within the subquery, and then, if no match is found, to tables in the outer query.

It has to work this way, otherwise correlated subqueries would not be possible. For example:

SELECT c.LegalName,
FROM dbo.Clients AS c
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Shipments s WHERE s.HasLivestock = 1 AND c.ClientID = s.ClientID)

In that example, c.ClientID explicitly references the Client table in the outer query. If I left off the c., the column would be bound to the ClientID column in the Shipments table.

Going back to our original example…

SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE ClientID IN (SELECT ClientID FROM #TempClients)

When the query is parsed and bound, the ClientID column mentioned in the subquery does not match any column from any table within the subquery, and hence it’s checked against tables in the outer query, and it does match a column in the orders table. Hence the query essentially becomes

SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders
WHERE ClientID IN (SELECT dbo.Orders.ClientID FROM #TempClients)

Which is essentially equivalent to

SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders

This is one reason why all columns should always, always, always, be qualified with their tables (or table aliases), especially when there are subqueries involved, as doing so would have completely prevented this problem.

SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders o
WHERE o.ClientID IN (SELECT tc.ClientID FROM #TempClients tc)

With the column in the subquery only allowed to be bound to columns within the #TempClients table, the query throws the expected column not found error.

And we’re no longer in danger of deleting everything from the orders table, as we would have if that subquery had been part of a delete and not a select.

Revisiting catch-all queries

I originally wrote about catch-all queries early in 2009, just as something that I’d seen several times in client code. It turned into the 3rd most popular post ever on my blog.

A lot’s changed since 2009. When I wrote the original post, most production servers were SQL 2005 or SQL 2000. SQL 2008 had been out less than a year and its fix for catch-all queries, the RECOMPILE hint, didn’t even work properly (it had an incorrect results bug in RTM, was pulled in SP1 and fixed in SP2)

As such, my feelings on how to solve the problem with catch-all queries has changed over the years.

Before I get to solutions, let’s start with the root cause of the problem with catch-all queries – plan caching and the need for plans to be safe for reuse.

Let’s take a sample query. I’ll use the same one I used in the original post.

(@Product int = NULL, @OrderID int = NULL, @TransactionType char(1) = NULL, @Qty int = NULL)
SELECT ProductID, ReferenceOrderID, TransactionType, Quantity,
TransactionDate, ActualCost
FROM Production.TransactionHistory
WHERE (ProductID = @Product Or @Product IS NULL)
AND (ReferenceOrderID = @OrderID OR @OrderID Is NULL)
AND (TransactionType = @TransactionType OR @TransactionType Is NULL)
AND (Quantity = @Qty Or @Qty is null)

There are two nonclustered indexes on the TransactionHistory table, one on ProductID, one on ReferenceOrderID and ReferenceLineID.

For the initial discussion, let’s just consider two of the clauses in the WHERE. I’ll leave the other two in the stored proc, but they won’t be used.

WHERE (ProductID = @Product Or @Product IS NULL)
AND (ReferenceOrderID = @OrderID OR @OrderID Is NULL)

We would expect, if the ProductID parameter is passed, to get a seek using the index on ProductID, if the ReferenceOrderID parameter is passed, to get a seek using the index on ReferenceOrderID, and if both are passed, then either an index intersection or a seek on one of the indexes, key lookup and secondary filter for the other, plus, in all cases, a key lookup to fetch the columns for the SELECT.

That’s not what we get (I cleared the plan cache before running each of these).



The expected indexes are used, but they’re used for scans not seeks. Why? Let’s just consider the second plan for a bit.

The index aren’t used for seeks, because plans must be safe for reuse. If a plan was generated with an index seek, seeking for ReferenceOrderID = @OrderID, and that plan was cached and reused later when @OrderID was NULL, we’d get incorrect results. ReferenceOrderID = NULL matches no records.

And so we have index scans with the full predicate (ReferenceOrderID = @OrderID OR @OrderID Is NULL) applied after the index is read.

This is not particularly efficient, as the properties on the index seek shows.


The entire index, all 113443 rows were read, to return a single row. Not ideal, but it’s far from the largest problem with this form of query.

The plan’s got an index scan on the index on ReferenceOrderID, and then a key lookup back to the clustered index. That key lookup has a secondary filter on it, (ProductID = @Product Or @Product IS NULL). The optimiser assumed that a small number of rows would be returned from the index seek on ReferenceOrderID (1.47 to be specific), and hence the key lookup would be cheap, but that’s not going to be the case if the plan is reused with a ProductID passed to it instead of a ReferenceOrderID.

Before we look at that, the performance characteristics for the procedure being called with the ReferenceOrderID parameter are:


The duration and CPU are both in microseconds, making this a very fast query, despite the index scan.

Now, without clearing the plan cache, I’m going to run the procedure with only the ProductID parameter passed.


CPU’s gone from an average of 8ms to around 120ms. Duration has gone from average around 6ms to about 125ms and reads have jumped from 271 (2 MB of data processed) to 340 597 (2.6 GB of data processed)

And this is for a table that has 113k records and a query that returned 4 rows.

The key lookup, which was fine when an OrderID was passed, is not fine when @OrderID is NULL and the index scan returns the entire table.



The plans that the optimiser has come up with for this query form aren’t stable. They’re safe for reuse, they have to be, but performance-wise they’re not stable.

But, maybe it’s just this form of query, there are other ways to write queries with multiple optional parameters.

Let’s try the CASE and COALESCE forms.

CREATE PROCEDURE SearchHistory_Coalesce
(@Product int = NULL, @OrderID int = NULL, @TransactionType char(1) = NULL, @Qty int = NULL)
SELECT ProductID, ReferenceOrderID, TransactionType, Quantity,
TransactionDate, ActualCost
FROM Production.TransactionHistory
WHERE ProductID = COALESCE(@Product, ProductID)
AND ReferenceOrderID = COALESCE(@OrderID, ReferenceOrderID)
AND TransactionType = COALESCE(@TransactionType, TransactionType)
AND Quantity = COALESCE(@Qty, Quantity)

(@Product int = NULL, @OrderID int = NULL, @TransactionType char(1) = NULL, @Qty int = NULL)
SELECT ProductID, ReferenceOrderID, TransactionType, Quantity,
TransactionDate, ActualCost
FROM Production.TransactionHistory
WHERE ProductID = CASE WHEN @Product IS NULL THEN ProductID ELSE @Product END
AND ReferenceOrderID = CASE WHEN @OrderID IS NULL THEN ReferenceOrderID ELSE @OrderID END
AND TransactionType = CASE WHEN @TransactionType IS NULL THEN TransactionType ELSE @TransactionType END
AND Quantity = CASE WHEN @Qty IS NULL THEN Quantity ELSE @Qty END



These both give us full table scans, rather than the index scan/key lookup we saw earlier. That means their performance will be predictable and consistent no matter what parameter values are used. Consistently bad, but at least consistent.

It’s also worth noting that neither of these will return correct results if there are NULL values in the columns used in the WHERE clause (because NULL != NULL). Thanks to Hugo Kornelis (b | t) for pointing this out.

And then two more forms that were mentioned in comments on the original post, slightly more complicated:

CREATE PROCEDURE SearchHistory_Case2
(@Product int = NULL, @OrderID int = NULL, @TransactionType char(1) = NULL, @Qty int = NULL)
SELECT  ProductID,
FROM    Production.TransactionHistory
WHEN @Product = ProductID THEN 1
END) = 1
WHEN @OrderID = ReferenceOrderID THEN 1
END) = 1
AND (CASE WHEN @TransactionType IS NULL THEN 1
WHEN @TransactionType = TransactionType THEN 1
END) = 1
WHEN @Qty = Quantity THEN 1
END) = 1

CREATE PROCEDURE SearchHistory_Complex
(@Product int = NULL, @OrderID int = NULL, @TransactionType char(1) = NULL, @Qty int = NULL)
SELECT  ProductID,
FROM    Production.TransactionHistory
WHERE ((ProductID = @Product AND @Product IS NOT NULL) OR (@Product IS NULL))
AND ((ReferenceOrderID = @OrderID AND @OrderID IS NOT NULL) OR (@OrderID IS NULL))
AND ((TransactionType = @TransactionType AND @TransactionType IS NOT NULL) OR (@TransactionType IS NULL))
AND ((Quantity = @Qty AND @Qty IS NOT NULL) OR (@Qty IS NULL))

These two give the same execution plans as the first form we looked at, index scan and key lookup.

Performance-wise, we’re got two different categories of query. We’ve got some queries where the execution plan contains an index scan on one or other index on the table (depending on parameters passed) and a key lookup, and others where the execution plan contains a table scan (clustered index scan) no matter what parameters are passed.

But how do they perform? To test that, I’m going to start with an empty plan cache and run each query form 10 times with just the OrderID being passed and then 10 times with just the ProductID being passed, and aggregate the results.

Procedure Parameter CPU (ms) Duration (ms) Reads
SearchHistory OrderID 5.2 50 271
ProductID 123 173 340597
SearchHistory_Coalesce OrderID 7.8 43 805
ProductID 9.4 45 805
SearchHistory_Case OrderID 12.5 55 805
ProductID 7.8 60 804
SearchHistory_Case2 OrderID 10.5 48 272
ProductID 128 163 340597
SearchHistory_Complex OrderID 7.8 40 272
ProductID 127 173 340597


The query forms that had the clustered index scan in the plan have consistent performance. On large tables it will be consistently bad, it is a full table scan, but it will at least be consistent.

The query form that had the key lookup have erratic performance, no real surprise there, key lookups don’t scale well and looking up every single row in the table is going to hurt. And note that if I ran the queries in the reverse order on an empty plan cache, the queries with the ProductID passed would be fast and the queries with the OrderID would be slow.

So how do we fix this?

When I first wrote about this problem 7 years ago, I recommended using dynamic SQL and discussed the dynamic SQL solution in detail. The dynamic SQL solution still works very well, it’s not my preferred solution any longer however.

What is, is the RECOMPILE hint.

Yes, it does cause increased CPU usage due to the recompiles (and I know I’m likely to get called irresponsible and worse for recommending it), but in *most* cases that won’t be a huge problem. And if it is, use dynamic SQL.

I recommend considering the RECOMPILE hint first because it’s faster to implement and far easier to read. Dynamic SQL is harder to debug because of the lack of syntax highlighting and the increased complexity of the code. In the last 4 years, I’ve only had one case where I went for the dynamic SQL solution for a catch-all query, and that was on a server that was already high on CPU, with a query that ran many times a second.

From SQL 2008 SP2/SQL 2008 R2 onwards, the recompile hint relaxes the requirement that the generated plan be safe for reuse, since it’s never going to be reused. This firstly means that the plans generated for the queries can be the optimal forms, index seeks rather than index scans, and secondly will be optimal for the parameter values passed.


And performance-wise?


Reads down, duration down and CPU down even though we’re recompiling the plan on every execution (though this is quite a simple query, so we shouldn’t expect a lot of CPU to generate the plan).

How about the other forms, do they also improve with the RECOMPILE hint added? As I did before, I’m going to run each 10 times and aggregate the results, that after adding the RECOMPILE hint to each.

Procedure Parameter CPU (ms) Duration (ms) Reads
SearchHistory OrderID 0 1.3 28
ProductID 0 1.2 19
SearchHistory_Coalesce OrderID 6.2 1.2 28
ProductID 3.2 1.2 19
SearchHistory_Case OrderID 1.6 1.3 28
ProductID 0 1.2 19
SearchHistory_Case2 OrderID 7.8 15.6 232
ProductID 7.8 11.7 279
SearchHistory_Complex OrderID 1.5 1.4 28
ProductID 0 1.2 19


What can we conclude from that?

One thing we note is that the second form of case statement has a higher CPU, duration and reads than any other. If we look at the plan, it’s still running as an index scan/key lookup, despite the recompile hint.

The second thing is that the more complex forms perform much the same as the simpler forms, we don’t gain anything by adding more complex predicates to ‘guide’ the optimiser.

Third, the coalesce form might use slightly more CPU than the other forms, but I’d need to test a lot more to say that conclusively. The numbers we’ve got are small enough that there might well be measuring errors comparable to the number itself.

Hence, when this query form is needed, stick to the simpler forms of the query, avoid adding unnecessary predicates to ‘help’ the optimiser. Test the query with NULLs in the filtered columns, make sure it works as intended.

Consider the RECOMPILE hint first, over dynamic SQL, to make it perform well. If the query has long compile times or runs very frequently, then use dynamic SQL, but don’t automatically discount the recompile hint for fear of the overhead. In many cases it’s not that bad.

Homebuilt sequential columns

I gave my introductory session on transactions at all three of the South African SQL Saturdays in 2016, as well as at SQL Saturday Oregon in October 2017, and something that came up in most of them was the ‘manual sequence’, the idea of using a column in a table to store a max value and using that in place of an identity column or sequence object.

To be clear, I don’t think this is a good idea. The identity column works well if a sequential series of numbers are needed. If the number sequence needs to that spans tables, then the sequence object is a good replacement.

But, there will always be some requirements that insist on gap-less sequences, or insist on not using identity (probably for ‘compatibility’ reasons), so let’s see how to do it properly.

To start, the common attempt (taken from a random Stack Overflow answer)

SET @next = (SELECT (MAX(id) + 1) FROM Table1)

VALUES (@next)

or, a slightly different form

SELECT @next = SequenceNumber + 1 FROM Table1

SET SequenceNumber = @Next;

-- Then use @Next in another table for an insert

This doesn’t work. Oh, to be sure it’ll work in testing, but once we get some heavy concurrent access, its flaws become apparent.

To test the first one, I’m going to use a table that just has an ID (supposed to be unique) and a second column to record which session_id did the insert

CREATE TABLE TestSequence (
SessionID INT

And then run this 100 times from 10 different sessions

SET @next = (SELECT (MAX(ManualID) + 1) FROM TestSequence)

INSERT INTO TestSequence
VALUES (@next, @@SPID)


And it doesn’t work because the select statement takes a shared lock. Shared locks are shared, and so multiple sessions can read the same max value from the table, then write back that same value+1 to the table, either generating duplicate rows or primary key/unique constraint violations (hopefully the latter)

So how do we fix it?

One option is to wrap the two statement in a transaction and add the UPDLOCK hint to the select. This ensures that no one else will be able to read the same max value from the table, but depending on indexes it could also cause some blocking and resultant slow queries.

Another way is to make the insert (or update) and the select a single atomic operation, by returning the inserted (or updated) value from the insert (or update) statement. We can use the OUTPUT clause for this.

Option one would have code similar to this:


SET @next = (SELECT (MAX (ManualID) + 1) FROM TestSequence WITH (TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK));

INSERT  INTO TestSequence
VALUES  (@next, @@SPID);


And option 2 looks like

INSERT INTO TestSequence
OUTPUT inserted.ManualID

The locking hints are, unfortunately, necessary. I tried several variations with less restrictive hints and they either:
– Produced duplicates
– Deadlocked when the table was small
– Deadlocked all the time

None of which are desired, hence the use of an exclusive table lock to serialise access. Of course, the restrictive locks will make this slow under concurrent usage. An index on ManualID will help, a bit.

Now we can test both of those the same way we tested the first version. An easy way to see whether there are any duplicates is to check the count and the distinct count.


To reiterate something I said earlier, I do not recommend using this. Identity columns, with their gaps, are fine for the majority of cases, especially the use of them for artificial primary keys. Artificial keys, if used, are meaningless numbers that should not be exposed to users, and hence gaps should be irrelevant.

The need for a gap-less sequence, stored in the table, should be an exceptional one, not a common one.

What is a SARGable predicate?

‘SARGable’ is a weird term. It gets bandied around a lot when talking about indexes and whether queries can seek on indexes. The term’s an abbreviation, ‘SARG’ stands for Search ARGument, and it means that the predicate can be executed using an index seek.

Lovely. So a predicate must be SARGable to be able to use an index seek, and it must be able to use an index seek to be SARGable. A completely circular definition.

So what does it actually mean for a predicate to be SARGable? (and we’ll assume for this discussion that there are suitable indexes available)

The most general form for a predicate is <expression> <operator> <expression>. To be SARGable, a predicate must, on one side, have a column, not an expression on a column. So, <column> <operator> <expression>

WHERE Number = 42;


WHERE Number + 0 = 42;


WHERE Number = 42 + 0;


Any1 function on a column will prevent an index seek from happening, even if the function would not change the column’s value or the way the operator is applied, as seen in the above case. Zero added to an integer doesn’t change the value of the column, but is still sufficient to prevent an index seek operation from happening.

While I haven’t yet found any production code where the predicate is of the form ‘Column + 0’ = @Value’, I have seen many cases where there are less obvious cases of functions on columns that do nothing other than to prevent index seeks.

UPPER(Column) = UPPER(@Variable) in a case-insensitive database is one of them, RTRIM(COLUMN) = @Variable is another. SQL ignores trailing spaces when comparing strings.

The other requirement for a predicate to be SARGable, for SQL Server at least, is that the column and expression are of the same data type or, if the data types differ, such that the expression will be implicitly converted to the data type of the column.

WHERE StringColumn = 0;


WHERE StringColumn = ‘0’;


There are some exceptions here. Comparing a DATE column to a DATETIME value would normally implicitly convert the column to DATETIME (more precise data type), but that doesn’t cause index scans. Neither does comparing an ascii column to a unicode string, at least in some collations.

In generally though, conversions should be explicit and decided on by the developer, not left up to what SQL server decides.

What about operators?

The majority are fine. Equality, Inequality, IN (with a list of values), IS NULL all allow index usage. EXIST and IN with a subquery are treated like joins, which may or may not use indexes depending on the join type chosen.

LIKE is a slight special case. Predicates with LIKE are only SARGable if the wildcard is not at the start of the string.

SELECT 1 FROM SomeStrings


SELECT 1 FROM SomeStrings


There are blog posts that claim that adding NOT makes a predicate non-SARGable. In the general case that’s not true.

WHERE NOT Number > 100;


WHERE NOT Number <= 100;


WHERE NOT Number = 137;


These index seeks are returning most of the table, but there’s nothing in the definition of ‘SARGable’ that requires small portions of the table to be returned.

That’s mostly that for SARGable in SQL Server. It’s mostly about having no functions on the column and no implicit conversions of the column.

(1) An explicit CAST of a DATE column to DATETIME still leaves the predicate SARGable. This is an exception that’s been specifically coded into the optimiser.

SQL Server 2016 features: Temporal Tables

Another new feature in SQL 2016 is the Temporal Table (or System Versioning, as its referred to in the documentation). It allows a table to be versioned, in terms of data, and for queries to access rows of the table as they were at some earlier point in time,

I’m quite excited about this, because while we’ve always been able to do this manually, with triggers or CDC or CT, it’s been anything but trivial. I remember trying to implement a form of temporal tables back in SQL 2000, using triggers, and it was an absolute pain in the neck.

So how does it work? Let’s start with a normal un-versioned table.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Stock (
  StockReferenceID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
  Condition VARCHAR(10) NULL,
  AvailableQty SMALLINT NULL,
  Price NUMERIC(8, 2) NULL,

To make that a temporal table, we need to add two columns, a row start date and a row end date.

  ADD PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (RowStartDate, RowEndDate),

It’s a little complicated. From my, admittedly limited, testing, the NOT NULL and the DEFAULT are required. The start time’s default needs to be GETDATE() and the end time’s default needs to be the max value of the data type used.

Hidden is an interesting property, it means that the columns won’t appear if SELECT * FROM Stock… is run. The only way to see the column values is to explicitly state them in the SELECT clause.


I wonder if that property will be available for other columns in the future. It would be nice to be able to mark large blob columns as HIDDEN so that SELECT * doesn’t end up pulling many MB per row back.

That ALTER adds the row’s two time stamps. To enable the versioning then just requires


Once that’s done, the table gains a second, linked, table that contains the history of the rows.


421576540 is the object_id for the Stock table. If is also possible to specify the name for the history table in the ALTER TABLE statement, if preferred.

The history table can be queried directly. The start and end times aren’t hidden in this one.


Or, the temporal table can be queried with a new clause added to the FROM, FOR SYSTEM TIME… Full details at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt591018.aspx


Very neat.

The one thing that does need mentioning. This is not an audit solution. If the table is altered, history can be lost. If the table is dropped, history is definitely lost. Auditing requirements are such that audit records should survive both. Use this for historical views of how the data looked, and if you need an audit as well, look at something like SQLAudit.

and other pointless query rewrites

In a similar vein to last week’s blog post… I heard an interesting comment recently. “Change that Column != 2 to a Column > 2 or Column < 2 combination, it can use indexes better.”

Sounds like something that clearly needs testing!

I’ll start with simple numbers table.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Numbers (


and put 1 million rows into it

INSERT INTO dbo.Numbers (Number)
  FROM msdb.sys.columns c CROSS JOIN msdb.sys.columns c2;

Let’s start, before we get into comparing things, with looking at the execution plan of a query with a != (or <>) operator.

  FROM Numbers
  WHERE Number <> 12742; -- because 2 is on the first page of the index, and I don’t want any special cases here


That’s kinda complicated for a query with one table and one predicate. Let’s look at in pieces. The easiest place to start is the Clustered Index Seek. The seek predicate on the clustered index seek is

Seek Keys[1]: Start: [Test].[dbo].[Numbers].Number > Scalar Operator([Expr1009]), End: [Test].[dbo].[Numbers].Number < Scalar Operator([Expr1010])

Hmm…Looks like the parser/optimiser has already made our intended change for us. There’s some funky stuff in the top part of the plan, but what it’s essentially doing is generating two rows for the nested loop join, both with just the value that we’re excluding from the query, then the seek runs twice. I suspect that’s once for the less than 12742 and once for the greater than 12742 portions of the original predicate.

But, let’s do the full due diligence, the plan may not tell the whole story.

The performance numbers for the inequality form of the query, gathered via Extended Events and aggregated with Excel are:

Duration 122ms
CPU 105ms
Logical reads: 1619

This is our baseline, the numbers we’re comparing against. If the comment mentioned at the beginning is correct, then the revised query will have a significantly better performance.

The revised query is:

  FROM Numbers
  WHERE Number > 12742 OR Number < 12742;

Execution plan is much simpler, no constant scans, no joins. Just a single index seek operation that executes once.


Is is better though?

Duration: 126ms
CPU: 103ms
Logical reads: 1619

No, it’s not.

Yes, we have a simpler plan, but we do not have a more efficient query. We’re still reading every page in the index and fetching all but one row of the table. The work required is the same, the performance characteristics are the same.

But, maybe, if the numbers aren’t unique and we’re excluding more than just one row it’ll be different.

That needs a slightly different table to test on.

CREATE TABLE MoreNumbers (
SomeNumber INT NOT NULL,
Filler CHAR(100)

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_MoreNumbers ON dbo.MoreNumbers(SomeNumber);

INSERT INTO dbo.MoreNumbers (SomeNumber, Filler)
FROM msdb.sys.columns c CROSS JOIN msdb.sys.columns c2;

I’m just going to look at the performance characteristics this time. The execution plans are the same as for the earlier query. The two queries are:

SELECT * FROM dbo.MoreNumbers WHERE SomeNumber != 24;
SELECT * FROM dbo.MoreNumbers WHERE SomeNumber < 24 OR SomeNumber > 24;

Query 1:

Duration 97ms
CPU 77ms
Logical Reads 7624

Query 2:

Duration 98ms
CPU 75ms
Logical Reads 7624

Again identical.

Just like with the pointless WHERE clause predicate last week, we have a query change that has had no effect on the query performance. Now, to be honest, there are some query form changes that can improve performance. For example, converting a set of OR predicates to UNION can improve query performance sometimes (and leave it unchanged in others), and so these kinds of rewrites do need to be tested to see if they’re useful.

More importantly though, those of us who are posting on forums and advising others have a responsibility to do these tests before we recommend changes to others, as they may very well not do them. If we don’t, we’re propagating myths and not helping the advancement of our field.

On the addition of useless where clauses

I remember a forum thread from a while back. The question was on how to get rid of the index scan that was in the query plan. Now that’s a poor question in the first place, as the scan might not be a problem, but it’s the first answer that really caught my attention.

Since the primary key is on an identity column, you can add a clause like ID > 0 to the query, then SQL will use an index seek.

Technically that’s correct. If the table has an identity column with the default properties (We’ll call it ID) and the clustered index is on that identity column, then a WHERE clause of the form WHERE ID > 0 AND <any other predicates on that table> can indeed execute with a clustered index seek (although it’s in no way guaranteed to do so). But is it a useful thing to do?

Time for a made up table and a test query.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Orders(
  OrderDate DATETIME2(7) NULL,
  ShipmentRef CHAR(10) NULL,
  ShipmentDate DATE NULL,

That’ll do the job. And then a few hundred thousand rows via SQL Data Generator and we’re good to go.

And for a query that has a nasty index scan, how about

SELECT  OrderDate,
  FROM    dbo.Orders
  WHERE   LTRIM(RTRIM(Status)) = 'Delivered';


Now, that’s running as a clustered index scan because the predicate’s not SARGable and besides, there’s no index on that column, but let’s pretend we don’t know that.

If I add a WHERE clause predicate that filters no row out, can I get a query plan with an index seek?

SELECT  OrderDate,
  FROM    dbo.Orders
  WHERE   LTRIM(RTRIM(Status)) = 'Delivered'
    AND OrderID > 0;

Why yes, I can.


Op Success? Well…

The goal of performance tuning is to improve the performance of a query, not to change operators in a query plan. The plan is a tool, not a goal.

Have we, by adding a WHERE clause predicate that filters out no rows, improved performance of the query? This needs an extended events session to answer. Nothing fancy, just a sql_statement_completed event will do the trick.

I ran each query 10 times, copied the captured events into Excel and averaged them:

Query with just the LTRIM(RTRIM(Status)) = ‘Delivered’
CPU: 77ms
Duration: 543ms

Query with LTRIM(RTRIM(Status)) = ‘Delivered’ AND OrderID > 0
CPU: 80ms
Duration: 550ms

We haven’t tuned that query. I won’t say we’ve made it slower either, the differences are well within the error range on our measuring, but there’s definitely no meaningful performance gain.

There’s no gain because we haven’t changed how the query executes. A scan, and in this case it will be a scan of the entire index, will likely use the non-leaf levels of the b-tree to locate the logical first page of the leaf level, then will read the entire leaf level. The seek we managed to generate will use the b-tree to find the value 0 in the clustered index key, that’s what makes it a seek. Since the column is an identity starting at 1, that means the first row read will be on the logical first page of the leaf level, then it will read the entire leaf level.

Both will do the same amount of work, and so we haven’t done anything useful to the query by adding a WHERE clause that filters out no rows.

Scans are not always bad. If a query needs to read every row of a table, that’s a scan and effort shouldn’t be expended trying to make it an index seek.

To improve the performance of a query, we need to make changes that reduce the work needed to run the query. That often starts with reducing the amount of data that the query reads, by changing the query so that it can use indexes effectively and/or adding indexes to support the query. Not by adding pointless pieces to a query just to change plan operators from ones that are believed to be bad to ones that are believed to be good. Doing that is just a waste of time and effort.

Does an index scan always read the entire index?


That’s a bit short for a blog post, so let me explain. First, the difference between a seek and a scan.

A seek is an operation which navigates down the index’s b-tree looking for a row or for the start/end of a range of rows. A seek requires a predicate and that predicate must be of the form that can be used as a search argument (SARGable).

A scan is a read of the leaf level of an index, possibly also reading the intermediate pages as well.

The key there is that a seek requires a predicate. If there’s no predicate, we cannot have a seek and hence must have a scan.

Let’s look at a couple of examples. I’m going to use a simple Numbers table as it’s perfectly adequate for what we’re doing here.


INSERT INTO Numbers (Number)
  FROM msdb.sys.columns c1 CROSS JOIN msdb.sys.columns c2;

With the table created, I want to look at how many pages that clustered index has. It won’t be a huge number, the table is very small.

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS TableName, index_level, page_count, record_count, avg_record_size_in_bytes
  FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), OBJECT_ID('Numbers'),1,NULL, 'Detailed');


Three level deep clustered index, 1608 pages at the leaf and a total of 1614 pages in all levels.

Let’s start with something basic:


SELECT * FROM Numbers;


Table ‘Numbers’. Scan count 1, logical reads 1615, physical reads 0

That read the entire index, every page at every level. The extra page was likely the IAM page for that index. That’s kinda what we expect a scan to be.

For contrast, let’s try an obvious seek.

SELECT * FROM Numbers WHERE Number = 137;


Table ‘Numbers’. Scan count 0, logical reads 3, physical reads 0.

A single-row seek operation does three reads, which makes sense since we have a three-level deep clustered index.

Now, what about this?

SELECT TOP (1) * FROM Numbers;

It can’t be a seek operation, there’s no predicate. The only way this can be implemented is with a scan.


It is indeed a scan, but did it read the entire table?

Table ‘Numbers’. Scan count 1, logical reads 3, physical reads 0.

No. A scan of the entire index is over 1600 pages. This query read three. It’s a scan, but it’s a scan which stopped after reading one page of the leaf (the other two are likely the root and intermediate pages, used to locate the first page in the leaf).

The scan read one row and then stopped, because that’s all that was needed. It did that, because there was a 1 row row-goal added to the query. For more details on row goals, see Paul White’s article on the subject.

There’s other cases where a scan won’t read the entire index leaf level too.

Aggregations, well MIN and MAX of an indexed column:

SELECT MIN(Number) FROM Numbers;


Table ‘Numbers’. Scan count 1, logical reads 3, physical reads 0.




Table ‘Numbers’. Scan count 1, logical reads 3, physical reads 0.

In conclusion, a seek operation requires a predicate. Without a predicate, a query has to be evaluated with a scan, but a scan doesn’t always mean that the entire table is read.

When naming transactions causes an error

For the last part of the series on transactions, I’m going to look at a problem that I ran across entirely by chance while doing some performance tuning. A procedure had a transaction in it, and it was named. Something like this:


    DELETE FROM Users WHERE UserID = @UserID

The error’s squelched, not handled, but let’s ignore that, it’s not the point of this post. The example as written doesn’t need a transaction, but the real procedure was a tad more complex. The transaction is named, and the name is specified in the COMMIT and ROLLBACK as well.

Before I go into the problem with this code, I’m going to quote from three Books Online entries.



Is the name assigned to the transaction. transaction_name must conform to the rules for identifiers, but identifiers longer than 32 characters are not allowed. Use transaction names only on the outermost pair of nested BEGIN…COMMIT or BEGIN…ROLLBACK statements. transaction_name is always case sensitive, even when the instance of SQL Server is not case sensitive.



Is ignored by the SQL Server Database Engine. transaction_name specifies a transaction name assigned by a previous BEGIN TRANSACTION. transaction_name must conform to the rules for identifiers, but cannot exceed 32 characters. transaction_name can be used as a readability aid by indicating to programmers which nested BEGIN TRANSACTION the COMMIT TRANSACTION is associated with.



Is the name assigned to the transaction on BEGIN TRANSACTION. transaction_name must conform to the rules for identifiers, but only the first 32 characters of the transaction name are used. When nesting transactions, transaction_name must be the name from the outermost BEGIN TRANSACTION statement. transaction_name is always case sensitive, even when the instance of SQL Server is not case sensitive.

I do love how Books Online refers to nested transactions as though they were real things…

Now that we’re perused the documentation, let’s go back to the code. As-is it runs fine, however let’s try that procedure called from within another transaction.

  EXEC dbo.RemovePosts @UserID = 152;
  EXEC dbo.RemoveThreads @UserID = 152;
  EXEC dbo.RemoveUser @UserID = 152;

Some sort of ‘remove all my details’ functionality, except that I’ve ‘forgotten’ to check one foreign key relationship and so the delete inside the inner transaction is going to throw an error. Execution is going to be transferred to the CATCH block and the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION is going to run.

Msg 6401, Level 16, State 1, Procedure RemoveUser, Line 10
Cannot roll back Important. No transaction or savepoint of that name was found.


The documentation for ROLLBACK TRANSACTION states ‘When nesting transactions, transaction_name must be the name from the outermost BEGIN TRANSACTION statement.’. In this case a second transaction has been wrapped around the first, the outer transaction had no name and hence an error occurred.

No big deal though, right? It’s just a different error being thrown, right? It’s not as if we were handling and logging the error properly in the first place.

Not quite.


The error was thrown by the ROLLBACK statement. As such, the transaction is still open, the locks are held and the transaction log space can’t be reused. Unless the application that called this was checking for open transactions, that transaction could potentially be left open for quite some amount of time, causing blocking and/or the transaction log to grow.

It’s not just that someone in the future might call the code from another stored proc within a transaction, it’s also that it might be that the code is called from an application which started a transaction. Or called from SSIS which started a transaction. It’s very hard to ensure that code is never called from within an existing transaction

In conclusion, if you want to put a name on a BEGIN TRANSACTION, for documentation purposes or to help with debugging, go ahead. If you want to put a name on a COMMIT, that’s fine too, although it has no effect at all on how the code runs. Don’t put names on the ROLLBACK ever, as it leaves the code with a potential hidden bug.

This concludes the short series on transactions. The full list is:

  1. A Mess of Nested Transactions
  2. Savepoints and conditional transactions
  3. Why would you want to name a transaction?
  4. When naming transactions causes an error (this post)